Wha...? That last one is truly weird. Don't pick up that hanky!! Don't you do it!!
Dropping a hanky used to be a way to meet people. Now nobody wants your snotty swine-flu infested articles retrieved from the spitty dog-poop encrusted sidewalks.
Thanks for stopping by my retro/vintage picture blog. I own the copyright to none of the pictures I post here so if you want to use one or all of them for whatever reason, feel free.
Also I posted them while using the Firefox browser so you should be able to click on each picture to make it bigger.
Hey, is that middle one from "Blankets"?
Wha...? That last one is truly weird. Don't pick up that hanky!! Don't you do it!!
Dropping a hanky used to be a way to meet people. Now nobody wants your snotty swine-flu infested articles retrieved from the spitty dog-poop encrusted sidewalks.
The middle picture is from a Daniel Clowes graphic novel Crayons.
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